Thursday, October 23, 2008


A Comment Left ...

Recently there has been a comment left on one of the older posts "April 26, 2008," that implies that we have led our readers "OVER THE CLIFF". The comment was left on September 6th 2008, seven months after the original post went up on the Blog. Once again, this is the continuous effort of a few in the 'fancy' to harass and smear the founder, Bob Attleson, and the tireless and committed work of All Setter Rescue. What credence can be given to an anonymous poster; one that is unwilling to stand by their comments and sign their name?

The TRUTH has never been twisted here on the Blog or on the Atteson Defense Website. The untruths and twisting is being done by those leaving negative comments. Those that know Bob and have seen his dogs, his own and the rescues, know the truth and that's what is important!

There will come a day of reckoning!

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